Simplify and Integrate Key Business Processes – The 4 STEPS/4 SKILLS™ Story

When we started our business, we debated how we could take common business processes like safety, training and competency, quality, or even running the entire business and make them simple to understand for everyone. We started with the safety process, and after 30+ years of building and managing safety programs, I was humbled to learn …

Bring Your Strategic Plan to Life with Well-Trained Front-Line Workers

Have you ever experienced a situation in an organization where a new initiative is launched with great enthusiasm, only to have it fade away before it achieves meaningful results? Whether it is a new product, process, or leadership philosophy, it is intended to help transform the organization as part of the Strategic Plan, yet many …

Build the “Best Talent” for Your Team With a Simplified Training and Competency Program

It is true that successful organizations need visionaries and exceptionally skilled people to be creative and carry out their vision. It is also true that organizations need
everyday individuals to carry out many of the routine tasks that are necessary to run a business.

5 Tips on How to Write Procedures to Help Your Organization Execute Your Strategy

Have you ever been frustrated by putting a lot of work (and money) into a set of procedures, only to see them sit on a shelf without being used? Or maybe you do not have procedures because you haven’t had the time or you want people to be innovative, only to have to deal with …

Compliance Versus Commitment

We’ve worked with many organizations who initially implemented safety programs where they were focused on what they needed to do to pass an audit, live up to client expectations or meet regulatory requirements. As a result, employees also became focused on how they could comply with the requirements the easiest way possible so they could …